Zayne: Red Realm
Zayne: Red Realm
Sienti: Orange Realm
Sienti: Orange Realm
Drella: Yellow Realm (featuring Malin)
Drella: Yellow Realm (featuring Malin)
Malin: Green Realm
Malin: Green Realm
Remalia: Blue Realm
Remalia: Blue Realm
Amaranth (human): Well of Wisery
Amaranth (human): Well of Wisery

Archetype: The spiritual, the samaritan and the mystic, protector of the mountains

A sage and visionary. They often seem to shapeshift forms and frames of mind, appearing to always be here, or there, or somewhere else entirely. They radiate a delicate strength, a clear calm insightful mind, and a luminous presence. They prefer the company of birds and books and bread to people, and spend the majority of their time in a remote cabin high in the mountains.
Zayne always welcomes visitors who make the long trek to visit them with hot cocoa and warm soup, regardless of the time of day or night.

Movement tasks: Finding sense of connection to the earth & floor through a digital screen - guide us through an imaginary place - what is our sensory experience? How do we notice our bodies in this place? - Connection to the earth - Provoke/ us to want to be here & explore - a grounding exercise that unveiled a virtual puzzle through physical puzzles to unlock aspects of the world.


Archetype: the creative, chef & storyteller

A creative storyteller and chef. People come to see Sienti because they are hungry, but they stay for hours to hear their/her/his stories. They/she/he seemed to know a tale for every broken heart, mischievous child, anxious loved one, stalwart fighter, and exhausted parent to lift their spirits and get lost for a little while. Their/Her/His food is simple, wholesome, and well- spiced, not unlike the chef herself. They/She/He wears earth tones in thoughtfully contrasting patterns, well-fitted pants and shirts of flexible fabric.
Movement tasks: A soup making party that teaches us how to cok something using our bodies - connection to center/spine - Enliven/Nourish - How do we nourish our bodies?


Archetype: the intellectual, keeper of facts, knowledge, and books

An intellectual, dandy, elegant, well spoken, direct, and frank. They are well respected, well-read, and finely dressed in dapper suits and gowns, always with a book or bit of technology

in hand. They wear burgundy, emerald greens, mahogany browns, and deep purples. They have an essence of blood orange and fresh geranium. They are both fiery and patient, slow to anger but you never want to cross them. They have an encyclopedic knowledge of a select few topics - flowers, rocks, social history, and volcanoes. You will never catch them/her/him without a futuristic writing tool behind their/her/his ear and bit of light in their/her/his hand.
Movement tasks: Spellcasting charades - how do we use our limbs/gestures to communicate? - Lead us through a series of Guardian gestures to unlock the door to the library


Archetype: the caregiver, healer of bones & plants

Remalia is a rebel and adventurer. They push the envelope, find the porous edges of all things and encourage the overflow. They are brave, charming, curious, inquisitive, and a master of controlled chaos while fighting for the underdog. They usually take carefully calculated risks, but occasionally plunge head first into the fray. They wear colorful patterns of all stripes and shades and hard soled red and black boots and gloves that protect them when they get too close to playing with fire (or run-ins with lava). They smell like smoke and figs and cedar and are known to break out into spontaneous dancing. Remalia lives near the volcano but knows the layout of the island like the back of their hand, as they are prone to frequent wandering in this galaxy and beyond.
Movement tasks: Guide us through different ways we can heal with plants and travel through space. What obstacles do we encounter? Connection to nature/space.


Archetype: the rebel, the elder, the pleasure keeper

A rebel and adventurer. They/she/he push the envelope, find the porous edges of all things and encourage the overflow. They/she/he are brave, charming, curious, inquisitive, and a master of controlled chaos while fighting for the underdog. They/she/he usually take carefully calculated risks, but occasionally plunge head first into the fray. They/she/he wear colorful patterns of all stripes and shades and hard soled red and black boots and gloves that protect them when they get too close to playing with fire (or run-ins with lava). They/she/he smell like smoke and figs and cedar and are known to break out into spontaneous dancing. They/she/he knows the layout of the island like the back of their hand, as they are prone to frequent wandering in this galaxy and beond.
Movement tasks: Tell us a story of one of the ancestors. Inspire us to call on our own ancestors. How do we nourish our hearts & minds? connection to whole body - connection to community/social. Make s’mores together while telling stories of tour queer ancestors: who has walked behind, beside, and before us.
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