DanceTheRoof (2013-2015)
an informal, collaborative playspace and skillshare exchange between dancers and videographers that took place on a rooftop in NYC for one day every summer for three years.
Vogue or Vague (2018)
a tangible and archival media installation that samples 50 popular Vogue dance videos on YouTube and asks audience members to show their understanding of Vogue culture by deciding if what they are seeing is “Vogue” or not (“vague”).
Spine Sensing (2020)
a wearable spine with microcontroller sensors that supported exploration of spinal range of motion and patterning through social gameplay.
Legend of Thule (2020)
a narrative text-based somatic alternate reality game via the Twine platform, co-created with Olivia Hernández (ONOH).
Dear Spine (2020)
a virtual environment of an experiential somatic museum through the memories embedded in my spine and connected organs.
Club Chairuntine (2021)
a virtual queer club space with projections and live dancers in a queer club, and audience participation online.
DiaSpectra (2020-2021)
a somatic breathing meditation and immersive media experience that was part of a National Science Foundation Grant called the “Workplace Wellness Project.”
BodySleuth Project (2020-2021)
a queer community building hybridization of online world building, game play, immersive theater, dance performance, and somatic exploration.
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